Thursday, September 16, 2010

Types and Styles Of Guitarists

Every great guitarist has been inspired by another...

So without further ado, here's my simple take on the different playing styles and types of guitarists out there.

1. NEO CLASSICAL - Luca Turilli - Solo Unholy Warcry

Swedish guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen is still widely regarded as the originator and still-reigning king of neo-classical metal.

Check out Daniel Owen's Magic Guitarpet Ride for something fresh too.

2. FINGERSTYLE - Tommy Emmanuel - Lady Madonna / Day Tripper

Guitar legend Chet Atkins was one of the first people to inspire Emmanuel to pick up the instrument.

Someone young... Sungha Jung - Starseeker (original)

3. JAZZ - Django Reindhart playing in a train (1945)

Notice how he plays with two fingers only (a fire accident left his fingers in that state)

4. CLASSICAL - Andres Segovia - Bach: Gavotte 1 & 2

Andrés Segovia (1893-1987) is considered to be the father of the modern classical guitar movement by most modern scholars. Segovia picture Many feel, that without his efforts, the classical guitar would still be considered a lowly bar instrument, played only by peasants.

5. BLUES - B.B. King - Blues Boys Tune

What else can I say? It's the King!

6. METAL -
Rick Renstrom - The Fire Within

Rick Renstrom is an extraordinary talented metal fusion player in the league with classic guitar icons such as Yngwie Malmsteen and Joe Satriani.He has worked with many respected professionals in the metal scene such as Rob Rock and Richard Christy. WATCH AND BE SURPRISED.

7. GUITAR FINGER TAPPING - Erik Mongrain - Air Tap!

Check out Andy McKee & Kaki King too.
The movie 'August Rush' showcased this type of guitar playing.

8. GUITAR SINGER SONGWRITER - Damien Rice - Cannonball

The reason why I included guitar singer songwriters in this list because of the fact that they mainly compose great songs with their guitars. Some of them usually use 'special tunings'.


Some like this style, some don't. Just like any art, its subjective.

There you have it.
The guitar world is so big, so I can't guarantee
that this is a complete list, but I hope this covered the basics.

Good Luck to your guitar playing!


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