Friday, November 26, 2010

Guitar & The Art Of Love

To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

This is about your guitar playing. But first...
Can you still remember the feeling when you first fell in love?

I can't really remember my first time so clearly & I think that's because my senses
are pointing at my most recent war with love.

The first time we met, everything just started to connect.
We were always together. But just as friends...

Flashback... I fought the feeling at first 'coz I didn't want to get hurt.

Hers was a face that many would chase after. She was 30 and I was 23.
Her social circle was of the powerful & rich.
I was not the type that her parents would approve of.
I was just starting out with my life.
She was elusive... but somehow, she noticed me, and that eventually evolved into something bigger.
She was a beauty queen... generous & true...

So true about what she feels that the projection could really hurt.

I've been hurt by her so bad that
I never thought it possible that someone could make me feel that way.

In all honesty, I don't know if we'd end up 'really together'.

But I love her... And even with battle scars, I still do. Give her all that I've got. Protect her at all cost. Still give a kick in the butt... But with just love. But our story, is just another story...

The love of music... and speaking in our case, the love of music through guitar is somewhat the same.

You feel the urge to fight it so you would not get hurt. You end up doing it anyway but with trials, you get scarred instead. You are unsure of where it will take you. But you know what you want.

Fight for it.
Because at the end of the day,
keep in mind that all things are rewarded - good or bad.

I hope that as you are reading this, a spark of love could be awakened.
A hopeful inspiration that giving is the path to receiving. Give yourself time to enjoy your guitar practice & playing. Remember love. Remember how it changed your world. Appreciate it. Share more of it. Get the thrill out of it.

Get the feeling and it will reflect in your music.

Be inspired with love.

Sing an intimate song to your love one, even with a
frog's voice... (candle light to compensate?)
Write a song etc...

The point of playing is Love.
I hope you don't forget that 'coz even the strong ones
fall in the pit but still rise back.

The point of it all... is the art of Love.

Do you want to discover more about yourself and how much your love of guitar means to you? visit:

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