Sunday, November 21, 2010

How To Stand Out From The Crowd - The Guitarist Eating Bear

Artists that stand out from the crowd have pretty
straightforward approach to success.

It’s really just a matter of
being willing to do what the person next to you will not.

Have you heard of the two friends who went camping and
had a bear come charging out of the woods at them?

As one of them turned to run the other bent down to take off
his boots and put some tennis shoes on.

“Are you insane?!” the other friend said, “that bear’s going to eat us!”

“You don’t understand,” the other one replied. “All I have to do to not get eaten
is run just a little bit faster than you.”

Now that's a nice friend! =)

But the moral of the story is simple and true.

Getting to the top 1-3% in ANY endeavor is really just a
matter of being willing to do a little bit more than everyone else.

Whether that’s being chosen to be the guitarist in a band during an audition or trying to get a name & recognition for yourself or team you are working with.

Sounds pretty simple right? And yet amazingly, the majority of people
who fail still wonder why they fail.

Doing more than everyone else doesn’t just mean simply working harder though.
It can also mean learning new things, letting go of preconceived ideas, embracing your uniqueness & keeping an open mind.

With the advent of information technology, more & more guitarists/artists
are being recognized and appreciated by others for what they do.
More & more are also wanting to learn the secrets of becoming a guitar
god etc. many of whom will want a quick and easy solution.

But only the people who are willing to go the extra mile will reap huge rewards.

This means being brave enough to be unique and be yourself.

Things like developing your own style, character, philosophy, approach
to your guitar playing and making your own materials.

You can achieve the level of playing that you want by yourself, but
if you truly want to build your DREAM, you’ll need to know yourself
better & get yourself equipped mentally, emotionally & to some degree spiritually.

One material that could help you on that process is
'Guitar Dust Off: Practical How To's & Empowering Attitudes on Practice & Motivation.'

This material does not showcase technical skills or anything related but to
the concept that allows you to conquer them.

If you there's a part in you that values dreams, you have to be willing to
leave your comfort zone and embrace yourself to give a step further than others would do.

This is very difficult to do if you don’t have a strong internal core.

But just remember: Principles that leads to success never change.
And these are what you'll find at 'Guitar Dust Off: Practical How To's & Empowering Attitudes on Practice & Motivation.'

If you want to learn the principles of developing a strong internal core that allows you to handle any situation and successfully navigate the sometimes rough waters of being an musician...

This material will help you do that:
Guitar Dust Off

To Your Success,

Paul Trajano
A simple friend who roots for your success

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