My Dear Friend,
From where I’m standing, this may sound weird right now. I used to hate music theory - I thought it was boring, difficult, and entailed a lot of memorizing. Not only that, some say that it could damage my creativity. So I geared away from music theory for years.
Then one day, I bumped into a friend of mine who happens to play guitar too. We had a little chat and guitar playing was brought up. He took his mp3 player out and let me listen to this particular track. It had the right blend of pounding rhythm and a powerful guitar melody over an ambient background of bass & electric guitars. In short, it was a beautiful track - and as you may have guessed, it was written & recorded by him.
The funny thing was, I played guitar ahead of him. In fact, I was already playing gigs when he was just starting out. I was really shocked when I heard his track - he was already playing better than me, and honestly, I was jealous! At that very moment, the only thing that ran in my mind was 'how the heck did he get that good so fast?'
I just had to know his secret, so I asked him.
At first, he just stared at me, thinking that I was just teasing him because he knew I had a long head start. I had to look at him in straight in the eye to let him know that I was dead serious.
And his answer blew my mind.
'Practice with knowledge of basic music theory'
I felt like I was stung by a bee the size of a man when those words came ringing into my ears.
No! No! No! That just did not sound right, I thought. Remember, I did not want anything to do with music theory. I had to ask him, WHY theory?
It's simple, he said. The early phase of learning guitar can be compared to a visit at a big amusement park for the very first time. You may find rides that you like the most 'here & there' and explore more. But going back to your favorite rides can be a pain in the butt if you don't know your directions and you can get lost. And that would be a drag if you only had one day to spend in the park. So, the best thing to do is to bring a map with you.
That way, you'll know where to find the perfect rides to warm-up, and then the ones that you can get crazy at, followed by those for cooling down. That way, you'll have your amusement park experience of a lifetime.
But wait, isn't that boring? Isn't it that exploration is a part of the fun? I asked.
Yes, that may be the case, he said. But remember, you only have a day to spend at a park that would take more than a day to explore all in all. Music theory will give you an idea on how the 'different rides' can be connected and explored in a way that is more efficient, effective & time saving - so you could practice more with less time & effort.
The secret behind music theory lies behind the concept of 'understanding & being familiar' with the environment that we're engaged with.
Look at it this way, he said. Playing for the first time is like watching a television in black & white. Yes, you can already produce some result but you'll be seeing things with lesser definition & clarity. With theory, you could turn that black & white set into a high definition colored TV.
You'll be seeing your scales, your riffs, and your chord progressions, etc. in a whole new perspective & appreciate & understand them more with greater detail. Remember, geniuses have this characteristic of seeing things in greater detail.
He laughed and answered, 'Clearly, reality is far from that. Think about the greatest musicians of the past like Beethoven, Mozart, Bach & the present like Vai, Satriani & Malmsteen. These guys knew theory. Can we say that their works are not creative?
At first, his answers seemed like blurred words on a billboard. After our meeting, I had to drag myself to a bookstore & got my first theory book.
What I was reading wasn't making any sense. True enough, there were things to memorize - and I hated memorizing. My brain was just not synced to deal with heavy mental gymnastics. But I continued.
There must be an easier way do things I thought. Then one day, I came across a book about the brain, memorizing & creativity. There, I learned some tricks that people use to make their studying, comprehension & memorizing a lot easier. I took out a separate notebook where merged those concepts with music theory.
And soon enough, I got familiar with the songs for my gigs faster and the exercises from other materials became clearer to me. I was even able to write my very first complete song. Things were picking up!
By that time, I was juggling 3-5 music theory books for cross referencing, not to mention videos & instructional sites on the internet. I kept my notebook with me all the time. One day, a friend of mine, who's teaching at a music school accidentally, saw my notebook and asked me if he could use it for his students too. I said yes.
I then realized that, what if I took my notes & compiled them in a single source so that I could share it to my students in a more logical & organized way.
Whenever I would finish a chapter, I would test it on my students. The response was amazing. Some would even bug me about the next chapter, so I kept on working on my notes.

PARADISE I: Basics That Matter
> How to Memorize the Most Important Formula in Western Music… in a manner that’s so easy, even a kindergarten could do it.
> How to Land on the Right Note Most of the Time, If Not All of the time
> more…
PARADISE II: Memorizing the Fret Board
> 3 Tricks to Memorizing the Entire Fret Board You’ll Love
PARADISE III: Discovering Scales
> A Simpler Look at What They Are & How They Are Formed
> more…
> Interesting Background & Memorizing Those Weird Names in a Zing!
> The Secret Behind Their Formation – It’s easier than you think!
> more…
PARADISE V: Tonality
> If music was a kingdom, you should know your people… Here, we go up close & personal with the important notes of music
> Ever got confused with the terms Tonic, Dominant, Subtonic, Supertonic, Subdominant & Submediant? Then this is for you.
PARADISE VI: The Golden Ticket to Chords
> Want to make & derive your own chords so you don’t have to always bring a chord chart every time? > How are chords formed and how to transform them minor, diminished, 7th, suspended, augmented, dominant etc…
> Plus you’ll get a list of songs that uses these chords so you can apply them practically
PARADISE VII: The “X” System
> Discover how to multiply the chords you already know by FIVE
> If you’re tired of the basic chords you know, this is for you
> Discover why people use capo and how to maximize them
> Discover how to locate the strongest notes to play over a chord
PARADISE VIII: Secrets to Practicing & Memorizing Scales
> What scale to dig first?
> 7 Tips When Digging Into Scales
> If you only had space for 3 scales, what should they be?
> Tricks on determining what scale to use
PARADISE IX: Chord Progression, Leading & Substitution
> Discover how to create your own chord progressions
> A trick on how to memorize chord leading easily
> Golden Chord Progressions
> Discover what chords can replace another to spice up your progressions
PARADISE X: Appendix
> Pathway to Improvisation
> Creating your melody or solo
> 10 Tips for a memorable melody
> Chord Inversion, Voicing & Slash ‘/’ Chords
> Form & Song Structures
> How to practice by Visualization
> Chord simplification chart
> more...
> You'd be memorizing songs, riffs & licks easier because you know what’s happening within
> You'd be building a stronger repertoire
> You'd be memorizing songs, riffs & licks easier because you know what’s happening within
> You'd be building a stronger repertoire
> You'd be composing songs in a breeze with more flavors attached
> You'd be fast charging your learning. One specialty of DSGT is that we've injected methods that boost retention of concepts of theory
> You'd have a strong foundation that would connect the dots of the amazing & wide world of music
> You'd be playing with others more confidently & comfortably because you know what you're doing
> You'd be able to 'ride' the music conversation better. If you happen to observe, the difference between a novice & an advanced player is their ability to communicate. And music is about communication & expression.
> You'd be able to share more to others & in return you'd be learning more
> You'd be taking your music appreciation & listening experience a notch higher with your new level of understanding
> And if this is your first time to encounter the topics under DSGT, I assure you that your music experience will change for the better
> You'd be fast charging your learning. One specialty of DSGT is that we've injected methods that boost retention of concepts of theory
> You'd have a strong foundation that would connect the dots of the amazing & wide world of music
> You'd be playing with others more confidently & comfortably because you know what you're doing
> You'd be able to 'ride' the music conversation better. If you happen to observe, the difference between a novice & an advanced player is their ability to communicate. And music is about communication & expression.
> You'd be able to share more to others & in return you'd be learning more
> You'd be taking your music appreciation & listening experience a notch higher with your new level of understanding
> And if this is your first time to encounter the topics under DSGT, I assure you that your music experience will change for the better
NOTE: I'm having some friends at the Conservatory check DSGT at this moment. PRICE WILL INCREASE TO $ 24.95 (that's 20% more) when they finish checking. So hurry! If ever they find any error from the version you'll be getting now, I will be sending you the CHECKED version for FREE. So, there is really nothing to lose if you order now in our Pre-Launch Sale. =)
By uncovering guitar theory, you’d be tapping on a thousand year history of collective human intelligence, developed by the greats that came before us. These concepts will continue to exist whether we like it or not. It has helped me and my students in a way that I’m very much thankful for.
It can do wonders for you too.
Paul Trajano
P.S. Again, if you’re guilty of not having a good grasp of music theory, I guarantee that you’ll be a different musician with these concepts.
P.P.S. Even great musicians that came before us studied at least the very basics of music theory. Do you think it’s an accident that they became great?
P.P.P.S. If you want to save more time, money & effort, then DSGT is perfect for you. Invest now on a material that will unlock infinite possibilities for you – consider this your guitar ‘rosetta stone.’ Guitar theory/music theory is one of the real secrets to advancing & making your guitar journey a lot easier & exciting!
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