the skills that you want to acquire.
The basics are the foundation of fun. Basics in chord playing. Basics in
scale & modes memorizing. Basics in scale & modes application. Basics in
tapping, hammering, arpeggiating, sweeping, slapping etc.
Learning the basics is the key to entering the nex t step of your exploration. Get it right early and build up on that.
“To think less of yourself is a slap on your creator.”
The book “The Self-Talk Solution” by Shad Helmstetter said that w e talk to
ourselves, (I wonder… do I talk to myself? Hmmmmm…). And unfortunately,
more than 75% of w hat w e tell ourselves don’t w ork for us.
That is, instead of telling our self that “ I can do it”, we end up telling
“what if I fail?”, “what if I don’t make it?”, “what if its very hard for me?”
and all negative possibilities that the mind IMAGINE for our self.
Because of that, w e take so much time thinking about to do or not to do,
and worse end up not starting at an activity at all.

This is an excerpt from:
Guitar Dust Off! : Practical How To's & Empowering Attitudes On Practice & Motivation (click here for more)
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